Resolution on Professional Respect for Correctional Officers H.B. 3185
Whereas, H.B. 3185 would have created a professional standard and labor oversight committee composed of Texas Criminal Justice Board members to review and implement the necessary recommendations for rules and policy changes to (1) career ladder for Correctional Officer's _____, (2) professional development of Correctional Officers and supervisory personnel, (3) labor-management cooperation, recruitment and retentive policies, and (4) disciplinary and grievance procedures.
Whereas, H.B. 3185 would require the TDCJ Board to report biennially to the legislative body the matters under this provision.
Whereas, H.B. 3185 would change the grievance policy to include promotions, leave requests, preformance evaluations, transfers, benefits, retaliation, harassment, working environment, disciplinary action, and relationships with supervisors.
Whereas, H.B. 3185 would establish a career ladder to retain professionally qualified employee's based on annual performance evaluations, hours of training, and years of experience.
Whereas, H.B. 3185 would adopt a policy to mandate labor management meetings between each regional supervisor and selected employees. As well as required reports every third month to the Director of Institutional Divison.
Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Texas AFL-CIO endorse the provisons of H.B. 3185 and use their efforts to have the Texas Criminal Justice Board implement the provisions of H.B. 3185 by September 01, 2001.
H.R. 1475, Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act
Provides collective bargaining rights for public safety officers employed by States or local governments.
Requires States to grant public safety employees the right to form and join a labor organization which excludes management and supervisory employees, and which is, or seeks to be, recognized as the exclusive bargaining agent for such employees. Specifies related requirements for public safety employers.
Requires the Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FMCS) to issue regulations establishing collective bargaining procedures for public safety employers and employees in States that fail to comply with the requirements of this Act. Gives the FMCS the same authority as a State Labor Relations Board (or of the National Labor Relations Board where no such State Board exists) for public safety employers and employees covered by this Act. Grants a publich safety employer, employee, or labor organization the right to seek enforcement of such regulations through appropriate State courts.
Prohibits public safety employers, employees, and labor organizations from engaging in lockouts or strikes.
Provides that existing collective bargaining units and agreements shall not be invalidated by this Act.
3011 11th Street, Suite 304
Huntsville, TX 77340
Fax: 1-409-295-5853